Roberta Beary
Born in Jamaica Estates, New York, USA
Currently residing in Ireland
Roberta Beary is the 2017 Roving Ambassador for The Haiku Foundation. She is the haibun editor for Modern Haiku. The winner of many awards for her senryu, haiku and haibun, she is a frequent presenter at haiku conferences . She is currently co-editing an international anthology of haiku by women.
school photo
the frown my sister
grew into
Honorable Mention, Penumbra Haiku Contest 2004
picking strawberries
grandma's rolled up sleeves reveal
pale tattooed numbers
Haiku International Special Issue 1994
Commended, International Haiku Contest
300th Basho Anniversary 1994
family picnic
the new wife's rump
bigger than mine
The Unworn Necklace (Snapshot Press,2007,2011 reissued 2015)
tour bus
i lie about
frogpond: 35:3
the way he says
mauve sunset
Deflection (Accents Publishing, 2015)
my son’s boyfriend
three words i practice saying
alone in my room
Deflection (Accents Publishing, 2015)
day of blossoms
a nurse erases
mother’s name
Deflection (Accents Publishing, 2015)
born this way …
the orientation
of winter stars
Acorn Issue #35, Fall 2015
broken vow the gin bottle's vacant blue
Deflection (Accents Publishing, 2015)
bicurious the moon within the moon
Presence #53 2015