Hemapriya Chellappan
Year of Birth: 1991
Place of Birth: Chennai, India
Current Place of Residence: Pune, India
Bio: An engineer turned writer. When she isn't daydreaming she writes haiku, sketches landscapes, hums old songs, practices puns and makes excellent tea.
anxiety test
i forget
to breath
Failed Haiku, issue 45, Sept 2019
exam hall
even the time
Failed Haiku, issue 45, Sept 2019
surprise dessert . . .
mom wins
brownie points
Failed Haiku, issue 45, Sept 2019
monsoon yoga
here and there
a housefly
Failed Haiku, issue 45, Sept 2019
evening stroll
the jasmine the rose
the urine
Failed Haiku, issue 45, Sept 2019
origami boat
how my childhood
FreshOut Magazine, July 2019
in between
our heated argument
cool breeze
#FemkuMag, issue 15, Aug 2019
treasure map
the buried secrets
of her childhood
#FemkuMag, issue 15, Aug 2019
waiting room
we sit together
facing away
The Bamboo Hut, Autumn issue, Sept 2019
scorching sun
even the mannequin
wears coolers
The Bamboo Hut, Autumn issue, Sept 2019
dusting off
grandmother's chair...
The Bamboo Hut, Autumn issue, Sept 2019