Anna Eklund-Cheong
Anna Eklund-Cheong, a graduate of the University of Minnesota, has worked in marketing, editing and library research. She teaches haiku in schools, volunteers, and leads occasional tours. Her poems have appeared in Frogpond, The Heron's Nest, Blithe Spirit, Presence, Hedgerow, Acorn, Failed Haiku, cattails, and tinywords, among other publications.
arrivals gate
all faces the same
until yours
Acorn, #35, Fall 2015
our future daughter-in-law
brings a new dish
Acorn, #40, Spring 2018
sharing our bounty—
leaving a few apples
on the trees
Frogpond, Vol. 44.1, Winter 2021
downsizing . . .
still unable to pitch
their pinch pots
Frogpond, Vol. 44.2, Spring/Summer 2021
wildlife in the park . . .
only the humans
Presence, #70, July 2021
those pictures, on that shelf . . .
slowly I dust
their last smiles
first day of school . . .
faces a little longer
old jeans too short
yard sale—
Eeyore and Chewbacca
having tea
crack of dawn . . .
Crayola’s biggest box
not up to the task
dead flashlight and candle stubs . . .
not quite the boy scout
he used to be
rainy day . . .
the egg on my galette
sunny side up
another holiday . . .
family at the table
and family not
squish the spiders
let the ladybugs live . . .
learned prejudices
homemade kites . . .
the sound of Dad’s voice
in warm spring wind
Blithe Spirit, 31.4, Nov. 2021
mist on the river . . .
the Christmas Day stroll
before their return flights
Blithe Spirit, 32.1, Feb. 2022
a fledgling teeters
on the edge of a nest—
I pack his socks
Bundled Wildflowers: HSA Members’ Anthology 2020
neon reflections
on rainy night streets
. . . she tugs at her leash
City: The British Haiku Society Members’ Anthology 2020
all the world's problems
solved before dessert . . .
kitchen table
Temple: The British Haiku Society Members’ Anthology 2021
mom’s memorial . . .
dad pours two cups of coffee
adds cream to hers