Mel Goldberg
Born 1936 in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Currently resides in Ajijic, Mexico
Mel taught literature and writing in California, Illinois, Arizona and as a Fulbright Exchange Teacher at Stanground College in Cambridgeshire, England. After selling most of their possessions, he traveled with his artist wife in a small motor home for seven years throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico.
(portrait painted by his wife, Bev Kephart)
supermarket line
the old man ahead
searches for exact change
cancer test
the doctor asks
if I am religious
black stone monument
I touch the names of comrades
I never knew
coins in the fountain
the wish
I did not make
Heron’s Nest Volume XIV, Issue 4 · September 2012
New Year's Eve
after a few drinks
we promise to change
A Hundred Gourds December 2014