Kala Ramesh
Born in Chennai, India
Living in Pune, India
horror movie
my sister screams between
her fingers
Simply Haiku - 6.3, Autumn 2008
you’ve won $5,000,000.00 USD:
I count the zeros
his eyes speak
before his tongue
one more lie
Saturday night dinner
the guests all-consumed
with their own stories
Simply Haiku - 6.1, Spring 2008
birthday —
as usual he remembers it
after I begin to sulk
Simply Haiku - 6.1, Spring 2008
ironing starched saris
the laundry man’s biceps
at the premiere
a soprano’s bosom fills
the spotlight
my monsoon sale bargains –
all through the year
his critique
art class
a child circling the globe
with skyscrapers
rewriting a cheque
once again
my signature goes awry
tourists pose
to keep the tower
from falling
slow cycling
I thought I could always do
even now his face
remains a mask
saturday night dinner
his jokes
bed time ...
she asks if her rag doll
can stay up late
Simply Haiku - v7n2, Summer 2007
senior citizen's club
women with hair in all colours
except gray
evening concert ...
the diamond nose pin shines
at every nuance