Marilyn Appl Walker
Born in Garden City, Kansas, 1940
Residing in Madison, Georgia, USA
Marilyn has received international recognition with awards and publications from Canada, Croatia, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
She and her husband Marshall reside in a small tourist town in Georgia.
an old sock
the darnings
of his ex-wife
Modern Haiku, #51.2 summer, 2020
spring gusts
the wild woman
in my shadow
Modern Haiku #42.3, autumn, 2011
Best of Issue Senryu Award #43.1, winter-spring 2012
in the truck
with the seat belt buckled
my prize pumpkin
12th International Pumpkin Festival, Haiku/Senryu Third Place Award, Ivanic-Grad, Croatia, 2016
wedding day
the time he takes
to knot the tie
their first Thanksgiving
posing together
with the turkey
a pear falls
on its side
the evening news
Frogpond, #30.2, spring-summer, 2007
a pear bruised
by the weight of itself--
Modern Haiku #38.3, autumn, 2007
grocery shopping
his python tattoo
squeezes the Charmin
talk of terrorism
he rearranges the fruit
in the bowl
Frogpond, #28.2, spring-summer, 2005
supermarket thunder
the fly finds
another cabbage
Frogpond, #26.2, spring-summer, 2003
running barefoot
through tall grasses
deciding on blonde
Frogpond, #26.2, spring-summer, 2003
red spider lily
the toddler lets out
a new word
Third Place Award, Sonic Boom 4th Annual Senryu Contest 2018